duminică, 21 februarie 2010

De la Talcioc Urban

Sambata a fost o zi superba. Ma ardeau calcaiele de la primul ochi deschis sa ies din casa, lucru pe care l-am si facut instant, fara sa mai beau cafeaua de dimineata sau sa ung o felie de paine cu unt. De bucuria soarelui de primavara, am stat mai bine de o ora afara cu Laika, labradorul meu. Apoi mi-am pregatit aparatul pentru Verde Cafe in directia Talcioc Urban.

De cand am inceput sa arhivez targurile vintage/ handmade, mi-am creat cate o imagine despre fiecare in parte si cum este deosebit in felul lui. Talcioc Urban a puratat sambata hainele unui targ adevarat. Multa forfota, fetele schimbau si probau haine, se laudau cu achizitiile, cu negocierile sau cu ce primisera cadou peste ce au cumparat. Cine nu proba sau negocia savura mancarea gatita in casa si berea. Multi copii, adusi la targ de catre parinti se bucurau de vremea buna de afara. Cel mai interesant e ca am vazut cu ce viteza vine primavara, cand si vremea va da startul si cate pregatiri se fac pentru venirea ei. :)

Saturday it was a day beautiful. I was so enthusiastic to get out of the house, that I didn't drink my coffee or eat anything. The joy of spring kept me over one hour outside with my Labrador. Afterwords I prepared the camera for Verde Cafe, targeting Talcioc Urban.

Since I started archiving vintage
/ handmade fairs, I started to create an individual image for each one and how is each special in it's own way. On Saturday, Talcioc Urban truly wore fair clothes. Bunch of people, girls trying and changing clothes, bragging on acquisitions, negotiations or on what they received as a gift from the seller. For those that clothing and accessories weren't their favorite thing, home cooked food and beer was. Many children, brought to the fair by their parents enjoyed the good weather outside, in the backyard. Most interesting is that I have seen the speed of spring arrival when the good weather will kick and all the necessary preparations for it's arrival. :)

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