sâmbătă, 13 februarie 2010

Moda vintage

Raspunsul negativ la intrebarea din partea dreapta s-a blocat intr-un mod inefabil la numarul 66. Totusi, ramane un categoric NU. Nu orice piesa vestimentara mai veche de 20 de ani este vintage. Ma gandesc acum la o intrebare referitoare la ce e vintage si ce e second hand. Sau daca vintage de fapt inseamna oldish. Daca simtim nevoia sa ne apropiem mai mult prin moda vintage de hainele parintilor si bunicilor nostri.

Hainele generatiei mele, anii 80-90 nu au avut acelasi farmec cu hainele anilor 60-70. Nici ce se intampla acum in productia de haine, nu este stralucit. Poate ca inconstient simtim nevoia de frumusete, de a purta modele care au o valoare estetica.

The negative answer to the question posted on the right is locked to 66 answers. However the answer remains NO. Not every piece of clothing older than 20 years is vintage. I must invent now a question about what vintage actually is and what is second hand. Or if vintage actually means oldish. If we are closer to vintage fashion due to the memories and affinity for our parents and grandparents clothes.

The clothes from my generation, eighties and ninetieths didn't have had the same charm as the clothes 60's & 70's. Perhaps unconsciously we feel an urge for 60's and 70's beauty and to wear patterns that have an aesthetic value.

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